- It is absolutely necessary that machine stoppage rate per 10,000 war p ends and 1,00,000 picks should be considerably reduced for successful installation of shuttleless looms. Because of much smaller shed size,reed sweep and abrasion time, the war preparation standards acceptable for automatic looms will lead to less warp breakages if the same yarn is used on high speed looms. Yarn imperfections which would pass into the cloth on an automatic loom fail to do so on a machine like projectile loom because of the following reasons:
- The reed is less flexible.
- The characteristics of beat-up are considered to be more detrimental than those with conventional sley.
- When the movement of adjacent shed is impeded due to some projection hanging in the form of wild yarn, fluff, scissoring action of the knots, etc, hindrance in the path of the yar n will be chopped off to cause a multiple break.
- Number of abrasion cycles is more because of high speed.